The Drop-In Center

After outreach, the SOL team takes children from the street who wish to make a change in their lives. These children then live at the Drop-In Center for 3-4 months where they receive counselling, food, shelter and education. The transition from life on the street to a more structured life is obviously a challenge for some.. Which is why they stay at the drop-in Center (rather than moving directly to the residential Center, where they live with 40-45 others!). At the end of the 3 months, if the team thinks the child is ready, then they get moved to the residential Center. This is located in the small village of Maji ya Chai, about 45 minutes from the drop-in Center. Tomorrow I'll tell you more about GETTING to the Center, and LIFE at the Center. What part of Sunrise of Life are you most curious about? Comment, and I'll do my best to answer! 😊
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