
"Week one at the centre has flown by, and as I talked with Peace this morning about our goals for 2015, she pointed out that we are one week away from the end of January already!

At the beginning of this year I thought it would be beneficial to take a moment to reflect on what Sunrise of Life hopes to accomplish in 2015. At Sunrise of Life we maintain a strict policy on openness and accountability, and we would like to take a moment to update you on our plans.

In North America, we plan to grow our network both in the United States and Canada, working together to build ambassadors for Sunrise of Life within both countries. Already, we have a small but motivated team working to do so, and over this next year, we’d like to build on that. As every organization is accountable to their staff and donors, we will work to improve protocols and policies, especially with the drop in centre (D.I.C.). As it is a new project and 2014 was largely about establishing it within its environment, 2015 is about running it smoothly, with the prime focus on sustainability.

In Tanzania, the team of staff here is focused on the following: first of all, to build the projects at the residential centre further to sustainability, so that we can continue to take more children in. That being said, the most recent update on street children in Arusha (full-time and day-time) is very high, so we are focused on improving the D.I.C. to the point that we can take a steady input of children, and work through the program with them to rehabilitate them. As always though, this is dependent on the stability of the residential centre, which needs to be nearly sustainability to appreciate the incoming children in a financially responsible way.  

Finally, as is always the case, both Sunrise of Life Canada, USA, and Tupendane Tanzania will be actively fundraising in their communities. In Tanzania, this means building the network with local and community businesses, to bring in food, supplies and donations. As well, this year in Canada we will be doing the same, working locally to build the support for our grassroots cause. For those in Alberta, our annual dinner is scheduled for May 22nd. Mark it on your calendars- we hope to see you there!

In advance, thank-you for your involvement and support of Sunrise of Life. The past four years have been unbelievable, mostly due to individuals such as yourself, actively following our updates and caring to staying involved. This year, we hope to build it up even further. In this next month, we have one request for you. Tell one person about Sunrise of Life, and pass on our website (www.sunriseoflife.org) or blog address (www.tanzaniaupdate.blogspot.com). Networks are built starting with individuals, so let’s build ours. Together, we will make this our best year yet!
