
Hello Everyone,

It has been some time since the last blog post.

Several weeks ago the centre had an electricity problem. Because of a short much of the underground cable had to be replaced. After some budget cuts on some areas on the budget we were finally able to come up with 700,000 shillings to fix the problem. The children were very happy to see the lights go back on, and said "now we don't have to be vampires any more". As you may know in Tanzania there is always 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness. As such having no electricity left the children's dormitories in darkness after 6:00 pm. Thank-fully there was still electricity in the staff house and the classroom where the children could study.

We are very happy to have another dedicated volunteer join the team in Tanzania. Ben, has recently completed his university preparation years Maji ya Chai and while he is waiting on his exam results he has moved into Sol to help the kids with their homework, english skills, and anything else they are struggling in. In return for his dedication Ben receives free meals and room/board. We are very happy to have Ben at the centre, and from my phone calls I can tell the children are as well. Prior to 2012 many of the children were struggling in school as they did not have the support they needed at the centre. Throughout 2012 and so far in 2013 we have seen the children succeed in leaps and bounds in many of their classes. This is all thanks to your generous donations and to the extreme dedication of all the Sol team in Canada and in Tanzania.

We are on the verge of announcing details from the upcoming Annual Dinner, so stay tuned to our blog and facebook page!!

Kindest Regards

The Sol Team
